August 02, 2012

Am Detached But Still a Survivor

Moving forward of almost a year of separation with Kenny, I realized that I don't really need a marriage on two and a half year ago. Yes, things were happier back then. I'm pretty sure that I wasn't really thinking much before I said "YES" on the proposal. 

I remembered that I was even in doubt before my ROM. Thought it would be some kind of cold feet that most people would have gone through just before their wedding. The impression was wrong. I wasn't ready for it and yet I did it. How cool was that huh. 

I would say, we hasn't really been through our worse before we got into marriage. Things get a little out of control when we were husband and wife for two and a half years. We couldn't handle each other at our worse. I wouldn't say that I wasn't at wrong but he wasn't at his right too. I was being blamed and indirectly became the victim of the consequences of his wrongdoings. It's okay. Life is still okay for me as it is now. I survived. 

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